miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023



January 4, 2023

Lately, I’ve been lingering over why I got injured at all, and I think it was because of the technique. The other day, I came across some videos of Ethiopian and Kenyan elite distance runners’ training sessions; If they have been proven to be the best throughout the globe, they might be well worth giving a try…. Besides, not only are they challenging, but also quite fun, … encouraging… something that gets you going!

Needless to say, there is a lot of work to do: core, cross-training, walking ad running…diet, and change of habits (working on it!). There must be a fixed objective down the line (a race) to implement all these methods into the usual training routine…

I have found some sessions to follow, which I will use in my practice from now on. Eventually, I will try to make my point that, although I don’t count on the same physiological abilities and conditions, those techniques will contribute to changing the current methods, combined with a personalized distance routine.

The factors to improve are: endurance, flexibility, weight loss and speed. So far…

week 1

4/1 6 miles, at 23 av. optimal 3.24 – core workout + Kenyan AND Ethiopia race technique and flexibility exercises

starting weight: 185 lbs


We'll see how it goes... Bye for now

lunes, 6 de enero de 2020


Hi everyone,

This first week of the challenge has resulted in over 14 kms. The longest training session has been an 8k with the family; My kids have joined me on all the mileage so far and that makes a huge difference motivation-wise.

I use Runkeeper to track all my activities, but sometimes it stops unvoluntarily, due to the fact that my mobile is crammed!! At times I have had to track the same session in several parts, but in the end what matters and counts is that the kilometers have been covered for.

Not very long ago, I attended an appointment with my physical therapist who advised me to lose some weight if I didn't want to suffer more injuries apart from the one on my tendons.

So along with this 1000 mile challenge, I am determined to get rid of the extra kilos, for health's sake more than anything else.

For the record:

Distance 22.8

Elevation: 354.3m

Pace: 14min/km

Burnt calories: 1.630

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2019

The 1000 Mile 2020 Challenge: Introduction

At only 17 days for the end of 2019, I have revisited a Facebook group which challenges people to run 1000 miles in a year. Last year I only managed to complete 253k, recorded on my Runkeeper app. This year, more aware that it is a doable task, I'm going for it. Arguably, it is supposed to be done running. However, you set your own rules, but certainly run or walked off the beaten track.

This challenge training will do wonders for the Ruta de las Fortalezas next year (hopefully my friend Helen Cranston, and I will get a number in the draw).

The posts of this thousand-mile challenge will be published monthly.

A great excuse to stay off the couch at siesta time every day!!!

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


Después de 5 meses de lesión de espalda - pues me rompí la L5 jugando con los chicos al fútbol en el parque-, he dejado de correr y el ciclismo para dedicarme a nadar y a meditar y, en la medida de lo posible, al Yoga.
Lo interesante es coger el hábito e intentar practicar siempre a la misma hora.
En los últimos meses, he estado tirando de unos vídeos online que me han ayudado en todos los aspectos: tanto el físico, como el anímico y espiritual; y no os cuento a nivel de concentración.
Esta vida nos exige mucho, pero lo más importante es ser felices, porque un día dejaremos de existir y será demasiado tarde.
Una cosa he aprendido: y es a tomarme las cosas tal y como vienen...y lo más importante: a ACEPTAR.
Un ejercicio de meditación que practico frecuentemente consiste en observar tu entorno sin juzgar. Prueba imaginarte sentado o sentada en un bosque frente a un río observando unos troncos y ramas de árbol flotando y pasando ante tus ojos a toda velocidad. Esos son tus pensamientos, porque así suceden en nuestra cabeza. Simplemente obsérvalos pasar y poco a poco los "verás" pasando más despacios y en menor cantidad hasta desaparecer por completo. En ese momento habrás alcanzado la tranquilidad mental.
Otro día os cuento otro ejercicio para desprenderse de los sentimientos negativos.
THis post will also be available in English soon.
PD Los niños también pueden practicar y les vendrán bien en los estudios.

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017



Calblanque is an unspoilt natural beach of especially protected value. Currently there is a massive development being designed, with the aim to build an elite campsite.

This privileged location is strictly protected by regional, national and EUropean COmmunity Regulations. Therefore this development must be avoided in order to prevent serious, irreversible damage.

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

2015: A year of training

Hello everyone:
2015-16 will be a year of training. Step by step, motivation will increase and results shall improve; there is no rush.
For the time being, I find it useless to set myself any targets with regards to competing. Nevertheless, these ten weeks of constant training have been focused on all three disciplines: running, swimming and cycling.
The most enjoyable part of some of the sessions is to train with my kids, who mostly enjoy running up Mount Atalaya - they always wait at the top of this rough, but exciting hill-. Furthermore, they feel encouraged to train both, cycling and running. They propose routes and plans, too.
What I would point out about this new phase, is the need to find sources of motivation, as described in Jose Diaz's "Vive tu destino" (Live your Destiny). We all have our own. In the end, motivation is what keeps us living in motion.

So be ready to design yourself a plan to keep moving...

Be happy :'')