sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2019

The 1000 Mile 2020 Challenge: Introduction

At only 17 days for the end of 2019, I have revisited a Facebook group which challenges people to run 1000 miles in a year. Last year I only managed to complete 253k, recorded on my Runkeeper app. This year, more aware that it is a doable task, I'm going for it. Arguably, it is supposed to be done running. However, you set your own rules, but certainly run or walked off the beaten track.

This challenge training will do wonders for the Ruta de las Fortalezas next year (hopefully my friend Helen Cranston, and I will get a number in the draw).

The posts of this thousand-mile challenge will be published monthly.

A great excuse to stay off the couch at siesta time every day!!!

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